Our Mission
Heart diseases in India are increasing at an alarming rate. In fact, it’s becoming an epidemic!
Latest statistics suggest that there are roughly 30 million heart patients in India. Out of this, 14 million reside in Urban areas and 16 million in rural areas. In most of the private hospitals, the cost of heart surgeries ranges between 2 to 8 Lacs. This is a huge amount and beyond the reach of the common man. This is where Sri Sathya Sai Heart Hospital come as refuge.
All types of Cardiac Surgeries are done in SSSHH, for the needy and underprivileged sections of the society, WITHOUT CHARGING A SINGLE PAISA. Our doors are open to everyone falling in our decided criteria without any discrimination of Caste, Creed, or Religion.

The mission of quality & our core values.
Our mission it to improve the world’s health through compassionate and afforable care through innovation.
Put the patient first
Take personal ownership
Celebrate the art of medicine
Be fast, but don't hurry
Always work with integrity
Be inquisitive and discover
Quality care for you and the ones you love.
Cardiothoracic and
Vascular Surgery
Free Treatments
Hear from what our patients say.

Bentall Procedure"The story of Kuldeep, prior to the treatment here, was rather a sad one. He was detected"

Heart ProblemThis is the story of Mustaq, a 45 year old labourer and head of a

Ramzan Ali
Heart Problem“4 year old little Ramzan Ali from Bikaner Rajasthan was suffering from a Heart problem since birth…”

Congenital Heart Problem“Three year old doll Jhalak was the heart of the family of 7. The irony was that she was suffering”

Shri Sushila Soni
Heart Ailment“54 years old Shri Sushila Soni from Jodhpur was suffering from a heart ailment. The cost of”

Heart Problem“One can see the innocence and the charming smile on baby Sandhya’s face. She was detected”
Over 50,000 patients treated and cared for.